Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Conventions of a thriller...

-Suspense, sound and silence are used to create the edge of the seat feel for the audience.
- Protagonist in danger
-Fear of the unknown, this makes the audience use their imagination and everyones villan is different
- Damsel in distress, can be a man or woman made to look vunerable
- Flawed hero, eg vertigo. this is used by exploiting the fear.
- Identity in question/ stolen/ no identity this creates confusion within the film and gives the protagonist a reason.
- Complex narratives, flash backs, non-linear speeding up and or slowing down, a common feature of thriller films.
- Different perspectives, often the story will be told from different point of veiws in order to complete the story
- Lighting dark/shadows a way to conceal the villan and create suspense
-Film Noir a focus on the lighting in the film
-Mystery, enigma revealed eventually
- Location, familiar, abandoned. these can create different feelings within the character a house will give a false sense of secutriy however an abandoned place will give a sense of mystery and horror.
-Women, naievty, voyerism the idea of seeing a woman as parts shots of eyes and lips are often used as a symbol for feminism.

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