Monday, 22 March 2010

Evaluation Questions


2. 2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The main representations in our film are that of young people. Our research included the way in which the charcter are already conventionally seen. The imagery used in the scenes of the skateboarders are quite steryotypical but at the same time the challenge the conventional teenager by being serene and calm. The mise-en-scene of the 'skaters' is that of mystery, there is no clear shot of the characters so as to keep their identity secret and to show the solitarity of the characters. The characters are shown to be unknown, we see no interaction between them which goes against that of the convcentions of teenagers who are always seen to be together in groups. This also adds to the emotion of the film as the characters on their own are seen to be more intimidating. The other character in out film is me (the young woman) for this scene we have used make up and hair styling as a representation. The use of long hair is a show of innocence and purity that once again evokes sympathy in the audience however in contrast to this the use of heavy make up suggests that the character is covering something up and is prehaps pretending to be someone she is not or trying to take on a different persona to that of which we would expect of the character. This once again adding to the mystrery of the character and leaving the audeince with questions.

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience that our film would be aimed at is those of 15 an above. This would mainly be due to the film classification laws that would surround our film. The use of violence or sever psychological distress both are included in the regulations that say our viewers would have to be fifteen or over. More over this would also be due to the themes in the film, a younger generation would prehaps find it harder to condone and understand the themes in the film and the use of psycological tricks within the film would prehaps be missed by a younger audience. A good example of this is 'Paranormal Activity' the themes in this are very reliant on the mature imagination to create tension and to 'thrill' the audience.
From research we became fully aware that there would be a market for our film as other thriller films such as the above mentioned 'Paranormal Activity' have ranked in ciniema charts.

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